A perfect solution

There is a great little product hiding at the bottom of my first aid kit (and also swimming about in a very cluttered handbag).  This handy device has saved many a small child this summer and this product is called Splinter Out.

I think it is safe to say that we have had a pretty good summer this year.  I am happy that my two boys have been able to create the memories they deserve by spending their days sitting on slightly burnt grass, chatting with their friends under the gentle sway of a willow tree (sounds idyllic eh? But this has ACTUALLY been happening – British Summertime at last – YAY!).

Of course with lots of outdoor play comes lots of running about barefoot.  This is especially the case when there is an ice cold paddling pool to dip in and out of.

I try and keep my garden as tidy as I can.  The grass is kept short (needs to be with the cricket, football, rounder’s pitch and running track my children use it for!) and the trees are cut back.  But it is not as safe as I would like it to be.  This is why, this summer my children (and their friends) have had lots of splinters, and it has been down to me to try and prise them out.

Typically, many of us would use a pair of tweezers and a bit of cotton wool to do this.  For me, this would mean running up the stairs to my make-up bag, getting the tweezers, running them under a hot tap (not sterile), grabbing some cotton wool out of the drawer and then running back down again.  All the while my child (or someone else’s) screams blue murder in the back garden.

This is where Splinter Out comes into its own.

The 10 individual sterile lancets are packed conveniently into a small plastic case.  This means that they can be stored and carried around easily.  The case is also extremely easy to open one-handed (which is a must whilst having a sobbing little one hanging on to you!).

Once you remove the lancet from its packaging you will then be able to extract the splinter easily with a sterile instrument (not a make-up clogged pair of tweezers!).  The process is quick, clean meaning minimum amount of distress for the child (or the squeamish adult!).

Splinter Out is available from Henleys Medical Supplies and you can order online or over the phone on 01707 333164.

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